The Board of Pensions (BOP) collaborated withPeopleJoy to enhance financial wellness and stewardship among its members, with a focus onstreamlining student loan debt management and bolstering long-term financial planning.
A Case Study in Doubling Employee Utilization through Strategic Partnership
Stablished fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout.
PeopleJoy is an appropriately named company. It has brought ‘joy’ to many people like me by helping us through the maze of forms and paperwork to secure student loan forgiveness.
Words cannot express my gratitude for the team at PeopleJoy and would highly recommend anyone with a student loan reach out to their teams for a consult. PeopleJoy simplified something that is widely known to be challenging.
PeopleJoy really works! I would not have been able to navigate the byzantine world of PSLF without the expertise and efforts of their team.
“PeopleJoy provided a place for me to get the most current information in a clear concise way and the ability to keep all of my documents in one place.
I am thrilled to share that I just received word that all $87,000 of my student loan debt has been forgiven. I feel like I won the lottery!! My PeopleJoy representative was very helpful.
My employer offered services from PeopleJoy as an employee benefit, which I immediately took advantage of to help me navigate the PSLF program.